With a dedicated team of AI Engineers and Health Professionals, the founders combined their decades of experience to create the world’s smallest Cardiovascular Tester. After a trial run, 40% of the users have successfully obtained abnormal results, while the other 60% maintain a healthy lifestyle with iCare.

Besides physical health measurement data, emotion indexes such as fatigue and pressure are also provided to help you realize if you are extremely tired or under pressure for a long period of time. AI analysis combining these two data to get body age and help you adjust living conditions in time.

iCare also forms big data on the professions of dietitians and medical staff, providing personalized recipes and lifestyle suggestions through AI analysis.

iCare can detect early abnormal parts of the heart, alerting users to seek preventive treatment and make lifestyle adjustments. It combines premium photoelectric sensors and electrodes to accurately monitor key health metrics.


According to Indiegogo