
St. Margaret’s School is the oldest girls’ school in Singapore. The school was established in 1842 by Maria Dyer, a missionary of the London Missionary Society. Initially, the school operated in a shophouse on North Bridge Road. In 1853, the Society for Promoting Female Education in the East sent Sophia Cooke to Singapore to become the Principal of the school, then known as the Chinese Girls’ School.

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During Sophia Cooke’s tenure as Principal, the school was known as Miss Cooke’s School. In 1900, the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society took over the school and renamed it the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society School. In 1949, the Bishop of Singapore, Rev. Leonard Wilson renamed the school St. Margaret’s School, after Queen Margaret of Scotland.

File:Sophia Cooke in Singapore.jpg - Wikipedia

The secondary section was separated from the primary section in 1960 and moved to a new site along Farrer Road. On November 16, 2022, the school announced that it would be renamed St. Margaret’s School (Secondary) from January 1, 2023.

Identity & Culture

The school emblem has a green background, representing creativity, of which we are a part. It represents life and activity, creativity and growth. The white diagonal stripe running from the top left corner to the bottom right corner represents purity in thought, speech and action. The purple cross represents the school’s Christian mission. Like a compass pointing the way, it points us to the love, truth and provision of God.

The school uniform is a one-piece dress with a dark green top with polka dots, a knee-length dark green skirt and a dark green tie with the school logo pinned at the bottom.

St. Margaret's Secondary School 介紹| Uniform Map 制服地圖
The school motto is “Charity, Patience, Devotion”.

St. Margaret’s School is not only an important historical symbol of Singapore but also a significant part of the history of female education in Southeast Asia. The school continues to grow and evolve, providing quality education to thousands of students across many generations.