AWADH serves up a cuisine native to their namesake historic region in northern India, which comprises districts such as modern-day Faizabad and Lucknow.

According to the restaurant’s founders, it’s difficult to find truly authentic Awadhi cuisine even in India as only a limited number of chefs have mastered this meticulous method of cooking. This is perhaps fitting since this cuisine was once enjoyed by Muslim rulers called Nawaabs and Hindu emperors who were known for their love of luxury and food.

Although Awadhi shares similar characteristics with cuisines from Central Asia and the Middle East, it distinguishes itself by its cooking method. Centuries ago, chefs from the Awadh region invented the dum pukht method of cooking – a slow-cooking technique where ingredients are cooked in dough-sealed containers which are left over a low flame. This method not just retains the flavours and aroma of the food, but also the nutrients.

Today, Awadhi dishes are only typically found in high-end restaurants or hotels, which come with a hefty price tag. To make these dishes accessible to more people, Santwana Shrivastava, Manisha Kishore & Minal Jadhav, founders of AWADH opened the restaurant at a cheaper price than other places.

To ensure that the dishes at AWADH are always the most authentic Awadhi, the founders invited Shahnawaz Qureshi, the fourth-generation descendant of the Qureshi family – a family of legendary chefs with more than 70 years of imprinting on the folk culinary history of India, as the restaurant’s chief advisor.

All ingredients at the restaurant are sourced from Halal-certified suppliers. AWADH also has a separate kitchen for preparing vegetarian dishes and for cleaning wine glasses.

According to