Located on the first floor of Tampines Mall, this 85-seat KFC outlet is called “The Tank” with the kitchen located outside the service area with the kitchen having a transparent glass wall that allows diners outside to see the process of making chicken inside while enjoying the hot food.

Along with the opening of “The Tank”, the KFC Open Kitchen program was also launched in Singapore starting April 2019. The program has been rolled out in the UK, Ireland, Australia, Japan, and now in Singapore.

When participating in the program, visitors will participate in 35-minute tours in the heavily guarded kitchens, and watch firsthand the chefs perform the dish technique according to the “7-10-7” recipe of Harlan Sanders. The tour begins with the kitchen’s storage area, followed by the prep and breading places, before concluding all at the final service counter area, where the food is served.

KFC Open Kitchen is available at 9 KFC restaurants every second and third weekend of the month. Each entry ticket costs 15 USD, including a KFC gift bag and 2 KFC meals.

According to coconuts.co, kfc.com.sg