Forbes took a look at the most popular solo travel locations to compile a ranking of the finest places in the world for solo travelers in 2019.

Three solo travel specialists, Adventureous Kate, Vicky Flip Flop Travels, and Global Grasshopper helped Forbes uncover the vital parts of a successful solo trip. They were able to assist us in our endeavor.

The amount of hostels, local crime rate, and average cost of a meal were just a few of the factors Forbes considered after gaining this information. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, emerged as the world’s finest location for single travelers based on these criteria.

Methodology: Forbes used data from to rank 40 of the world’s most popular cities based on the number of hostels, the number of hostels per yearly visitors, the average hostel review, and the average nightly price of a property.

On, Forbes calculated the average cost of dining out, the average cost of domestic beer, the average cost of monthly public transportation passes, and the average cost of a water bottle. The number of tourist attractions, the speed of the internet, and the number of nightlife establishments were also recorded.

Each city received points ranging from 1 to 40 for each of the 12 measures, with a maximum potential score of 480 for each city.

Here are the top 5 best Southeast Asian cities for solo travel:

1.Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam

2. Ubud, Bali – Indonesia

3. Bangkok – Thailand

4. Phuket – Thailand

5. Singapore

According to