First just add salt and water to the water tank. Then press the button, allow the electrolysis process to run for just 3 minutes, small bubbles will appear in the water, and wait for the cleaning solution to be produced. The light turns green on the container to show you that electrolysis is complete. Spray the solution over the tops and insides of your hands and go about your day. 



Simply wipe your frequently used items with a towel or napkin after spraying the solution to it. CleanseBud helps you in all household and surface cleaning. Use it on the floor, in the kitchen, on any surface, your dirty shoes, in the bathroom…and more.

CleanseBud is half the size of an adult's palm, and with a net weight of 67g, it can easily fit in your pocket or your purse for daily use. Use it when you have to touch something in the public.



After the turning water and salt into cleaner, it will last for 24 hours. After 24 hours the effective chlorine concentration will gradually decrease. But you can simply restart the electrolysis process again, to reacquire your cleaner. At full charge, CleanseBud’s battery can last up to 25 – 30 rounds of electrolysis process at 3 minutes each.

According to Indiegogo