The Limbourg brothers (Dutch: Gebroeders van Limburg; fl. 1385 – 1416) were famous Dutch miniature painters (Herman, Paul, and Johan) from the city of Nijmegen. They were active in the early 15th century in France and Burgundy, working in the style known as International Gothic. They created what is certainly the best-known late medieval illuminated manuscript, the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry.



This book contain images of stories from the bible like the birth of Christ. The Duke of Berry's book of hours is unusual because it contains images of the day to day life around his castle.




The artwork showed the peasants and fellow royalty thrived under the Duke's reign. The Duke hoped this would better show that he was worthy of going to heaven.





The Limbourg brothers (Herman, Paul and Jean)  were offered the project because of their previous work for John's brother, Philip the Bold. Unfortunately, all three brothers would meet their end during the Bubonic plague in 1416. This would necessitate other artists to update the book when it fell into the hands of other royalty. This is a great showcase of what the architecture and living conditions of the era possibly were. 





According to wikipedia.