Youtube allows users to upload, view, share, add to playlists, report and comment on videos, and subscribe to other users. Content shared on YouTube includes video clips, TV shows, music videos, short documentaries, sound recordings, movie trailers, and other content such as video blogging, short creative videos, and educational videos.

Most content on YouTube is uploaded by individuals, but media companies including CBS, BBC, Vevo and Hulu make some of their material available via YouTube as part of a partnership program with YouTube. Non-registered users can still watch most of the videos on the site, while registered users are allowed to upload an unlimited number of videos.

Youtube has over 1 billion monthly users, with an average of 1 billion hours of video per day. As of May 2019, videos were being uploaded at a rate of more than 500 hours of content per minute.

YouTube has YouTube Premium (formerly YouTube Red), a subscription service that provides access to exclusively made content, ad-free video viewing, and YouTube Music, a service that streams and listens to artists’ songs on the site.

According to data from Similarweb so far, Youtube is the most used entertainment website in Southeast Asia with 781.4 million visits in Indonesia (the highest in Southeast Asia), 578.6 million visits in Vietnam, and 568.8 million visits in the Philippines.

According to Wikipedia and Similarweb