With the advancement of medical science and increasing knowledge about the human body, understanding our bodies and health has become increasingly important. To meet this demand, the Human Body Museum in Bangkok was established, providing visitors with a rare opportunity to explore and gain deeper insights into the human body.

Each exhibition room at the Human Body Museum is an educational journey, taking visitors through different parts and functions of the body, from the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems to internal organs and blood vessels. Descriptive panels and interactive displays help visitors understand the role of each part in the overall functioning of the human body.

The museum displays 14 segmented bodies as well as internal organs donated by the Soft House Doctor Medical Company in Japan. These bodies have been dissected to display internal organs and various systems of the human body such as the nervous system and digestive system.

In addition to showcasing body parts, the museum also focuses on health education and disease prevention. Visitors can learn about maintaining a healthy lifestyle through charts, videos, and useful information about nutrition and exercise. The museum provides detailed information about the plastination process, which uses liquid polymers to preserve human body tissues. This is why the bodies you see in the museum remain intact.

Although it may be unsettling for some, the experience at the Human Body Museum provides a very visual anatomy lesson and demonstrates the complexity of the human body.

The museum is open from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 16:00. The address of the museum is Siam Square Chulalongkorn University, Dentistry Faculty Building, 9th Floor, Bangkok, Bangkok, 10330.