Kalbe Farma was founded on September 10, 1966, by 6 siblings, K.L. Tjoen, Theresia H. Setiady, Khouw Lip Swan, Khouw Lip Boen (Also Known As: Dr. Boenyamin Setiawan), Maria Karmila, and F. Bing Aryanto. Kalbe Farma first began operations in a house garage that was owned by the founders.

Karve Farma’s motto is ‘Mengabdikan Ilmu unauk Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan’ (Long-term science for health and happiness).

The company’s products are sold in 43 countries across 5 continents. Through its subsidiaries, the company also operates a number of health clinics and clinical laboratories.

Kalbe Group has more than 1 million stores of prescription drugs, OTC drugs, energy drinks, nutritional products, and distribution branches.

Kalbe is the largest publicly listed pharmaceutical company in Southeast Asia with around US$5 billion in market capitalization and revenues of over Rp 15 trillion.

According to Wikipedia