The history of the group dates back to 1890, when the company was founded as La Fabrica de Cerveza de San Miguel, as Southeast Asia’s first bottled brewery. Located at 6 Calzada de Malacañan (later renamed Calle conde de Avilés and now Jose Laurel Street), the factory was divided into 2 zones: one devoted to the production of ice with a daily capacity of 5 tons, and the other to beer production.

By 1914, the company began to export its products to foreign markets such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guam, Honolulu, Hawaii. Diversification into new businesses began in the 1920s. In 1922, the company opened the Royal Beverage Factory in Manila to manufacture Royal Tru-Orange, and other Royal and aerated water. By 1925, San Miguel began the ice cream business with the purchase of the Magnolia Factory on Calle Avilés and the opening of a new factory in 1930 to produce carbon dioxide for beverage and dry ice products. In 1932, a factory was established to produce yeast for bakeries and medical use.

In 1949, five other factories were opened: the Farola glass factory and power plant (San Nicolas, Manila), the carbon dioxide plant in Otis Street (Paco, Manila), the Iloílo Coca-Cola carton factory and mill.

In 1964, the company’s name was changed to San Miguel Corporation (SMC), in 1973 it expanded to produce poultry, shrimp and frozen food.

The company also expands into other major industries such as oil and energy, electricity, real estate, transportation and infrastructure.

According to Wikipedia