The Polar Seal Heated Zip Top self-warming shirt will keep you cozy all winter long. This piece of apparel provides instant heat—all you have to do is press a button. Great for everyone from Olympic skiers to arctic explorers, this self-warming shirt was even tested in alpine conditions. 



Designed to be super lightweight, flexible and breathable, the Polar Seal tops come in a variety of colors and sizes and provides heat for up to 8 hours. It provides heat through a heating element in two zones: your lower and upper back. You can turn the heat on in one zone or both of the zones at the same time.



The heat comes in three levels: low, medium and high. They are color coded so you can decide how much heat you need in every situation. The top is powered through a USB power bank. This allows you to choose freely what type of power bank you’d like to use with the top, or use the one you may already own.



The buttons on the top are both water-proof and shock-proof allowing you to use it in the toughest of conditions including snow and rough terrain. With only 10 seconds required for the Polar Seal top to heat up, it truly gives people heat on demand.

According to Drool’d