A different type of wall calendar, it lets you plan out the next ten years of your life in a format that makes it easy to visualize the different goals and milestones you want to achieve over the course of the next decade. Even better, you can scroll up and down through the entire calendar with ease, allowing you to update your three-year plan one moment and review your 10-year goal the next with just a simple turn of the knob.



The Decade Planner Calendar groups each year into a block, with each row in that block representing a month of that year and each column in that row representing a day on that month. A single yearly block is visible at a time, with the preceding and succeeding blocks easily accessible by simply scrolling up and down, respectively, although there’s an also an option to stretch it vertically so that you can see two yearly blocks at a time (it does make the calendar extremely tall at 71 inches, though). This makes it relatively simple to jot down all your day-to-day targets, yearly milestones, five-year goals, and even ten-year objectives, compared to nearly every other option available. The best part? You don’t have to open a notebook, launch an app on your phone, or pull out a laptop to do it, as you can mount it on any empty wall in your office, ready to be updated and perused at will.






Now, any paper product you’re planning to hang up a wall for the next ten years can’t be made from just any kind of flimsy material. That’s why this thing uses durable 170 GSM paper, complete with a high-end finish for added surface protection. Apart from the paper, it also uses CNC-machined aluminum for the knobs and brackets, as well as high strength rope to stretch the visible section of the paper out.

After the ten years you’ve planned for has come and gone, you can use the Decade Planner Calendar as a beautiful keepsake that can serve as a testament to your success at making those plans come to fruition. Well, in case you successfully achieve them, at least. Otherwise, they can also serve as a testament to your utter failure at life. Nah, just kidding, you should be able to use them as fuel to turn the next ten years into your favor. At least, we hope that’s what telling yourself.



Can you make your own version of this calendar? Probably. It won’t be as pretty as this wall-mounted scroll, but you should be able to put together something just as functional. The layout seems simple enough to recreate even with just a ruler and a marker, so it should be easy to do on your own. Just make sure to get a wide-enough roll of paper and plan your next decade. Heck, plan the next 60 years, if you want. That should be interesting.

According to coolthings